Zima the Staffordshire Terrier mix
Zima was a stray that ended up at the East Valley Van Nuys shelter. During her time in the shelter, JJ had networked her for adoption and the shelter staff also loved her! A family with a special needs son adopted her but returned her citing that she had bitten their son. Unfortunately, they did not want to pay to rabies quarantine Zima at East Valley Shelter, so they turned around and dumped her off at the Burbank shelter instead, stating she was aggressive, but with no actual proof of a dog bite. The Burbank shelter had already written her off for euthanasia due to aggression and were not even planning to make her available for adoption. We rescued her 24 hours before she was set to be euthanized.
Zima’s forever mommy Karen writes:
I saw Zima on Facebook in early 2011 and fell instantly in love with the little dog with the pink scarf and the cut above her eye. I thought and thought about it for several days then I knew I had to try. The picture of her howling at the kennel was more that I could endure. I felt she was so alone and that is exactly how I felt about myself at the time.
JJ’s policy was not to adopt out of state, but after about 300 pages of paperwork (well maybe about 5 or 6) and recommendations from my own veterinarian, I was allowed to adopt Zima from California to live with me in Washington State.
I’ve been thru some really personal crap these past few years and I can honestly say that if it were not for Zima, I would probably not be here myself. You see I know Zima needs me….and I need her. I was her savior (after JJ) and now she is mine, I love this little dog and will always do my best to keep her safe and out of harms way. It is my responsibility to her to always keep her on a leash (heaven help my neighbors who will ALWAYS think that pit bulls are so vicious) She has an acre to play in with her brother Rocco…and I have found out that Zima can be VERY VERY stubborn! However she is a PIG when it comes to food… and if you so much mention “Din Din” (for dinner) she will be at your feet in 20 seconds or less!